The greatest assets of a company are the great employees who work there, not the walls that bind them. To be successful in business today, companies must understand the employees’ need to be highly informed, educated, and properly trained in their field. The need to keep up with today’s ever changing business environment is crucial to managing a company. Companies are constantly changing their production processes, product lines, and implementing usage in new and improved technology to keep up with the competition of other businesses.
ELearning has become a constant growing business, providing corporations/companies more cost effective solutions for employee training. ELearning, now a $56 billion dollar industry, is expected to double in earnings by the year 2015. Businesses are seeing eLearning effectively keep employees up-to-date with training and learning new skills in the employee’s own work environment. ELearning is easily accessible to the employers and employees. This creates a more cost efficient solution than participating in a classroom setting. ELearning can be done in company groups or individually at the employer's or employees' convenience, making eLearning very marketable among various companies.
Did you know that, 77% of American corporations use eLearning to train their employees? Corporations can save anywhere between 50 to 70 percent when they replace classroom based training with eLearning. Although the United States and Europe represent 70% of the eLearning population, slowly other countries are starting to implement the switch to eLearning. Two of the fastest growing eLearning markets are Vietnam and Malaysia.
Question #2 of Week 3:
Can you think of some reasons why some corporation is not fit to use eLearning? or Do you think all business should implement eLearning as a training tool?
Infographic on E learning,
Ill have to say, if Elearning is the near future, then why isn't it already fully implemented? But then, it is cheaper, however, the government wouldnt be happy about a cheaper alternative because all they care about is their money.